Inner Voice retreats

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Part I: Introduction to Song Structure & Elements of Poetry

In Part I of an Inner Voice Workshop, participants are introduced to the elements of poetry that tie into songwriting and lyrics. Kat sprinkles in examples through performances of her own original songs, and those co-written by past workshop participants, to bring the elements and writing techniques to life.

Part II: Exercises in Writing

Part II puts participants to work in exploring their own creativity. Guided writing activities lead individuals to creating a large array of writing that they will then use to create lines, verses, choruses, bridges…the parts that make up a song.

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Part III: Performance of Original Composition

With all of the words, phrases, and lines created in Part II, the work of creating a complete song will begin. Depending on the length of the workshop, Kat will either work with the participants to put the pieces of their writing together into an original composition, or she will take their writings, put them together into song lyrics, and put them to music. The workshop always culminates with a performance of the original song. The future vision of Inner Voice is to record the original songs and have a compilation album to present to participating groups and organizations.

1 on 1 coaching

Inner Voice Studios now offers one-on-one coaching to individuals interested in using music, writing, & meditation to initiate introspection, healing, and a path towards living an authentic life, true to one’s gifts, interests, and objectives. Contact Kat Baum for more details!